


1. FoPay以100萬顆FOIN的價格收購了AliExchange,用的是FOIN基金會的幣!
2. FOIN取款服務延長至今年12月31日,並承諾之後不會再有任何延期的情況。










Dear FOIN and FoPay community! Today is a big day for each of us. For the last few months, the number one priority of our work on developing our ecosystem was to give our users a convenient, easy, and advantageous way of buying, exchanging, and withdrawing their assets. And now, we are ready to announce an unprecedented deal for the whole cryptocurrency world: FoPay bought a cryptocurrency exchange for 1 million FOIN. It means that now FoPay owns a “home” exchange for its currency — FOIN, which brings lots of benefits for FOIN and FoPay community. Below you will find the details of this happening and the new opportunities it brings.

FoPay, a cryptocurrency payment system provider managed by the FOIN company, has acquired AliExchange, a booming cryptocurrency trading platform from Estonia, Europe. The deal worth 1 million FOIN. Taking into account the FOIN’s 30 days average price, the deal price is about 2.1 Billion USD. The bulk of this amount will be kept in AliExchange as liquidity and capital expenditure.

This year is also remarkable for the company thanks to the launch of the FOIN Foundation, a non-profit Organisation based in Zurich, Switzerland. It promotes the adoption of Blockchain Technology & FOIN Cryptocurrency Utilization across the globe. The FoPay’s acquisition of AliExchange was paid by FOIN Foundation. It is worth noting that the acquisition price is only a small part of the FOIN Foundation balance sheet, a reserve of which is consists of 20 million FOIN.

The deal background

This acquisition is another big step for FOIN to expand its global footprint. Launched in early 2018, currently, FOIN is one of the best performing Cryptocurrency, with prices starting from about $1,000 in January 2019 to over $2,500 in December 2019. Previously FOIN had released FoPay, a blockchain payment system, including a multi-currency wallet and a merchant platform. In just a few months of this year, a great many merchants have joined the platform and now they can accept cryptocurrency payments from their customers.

The deal bodes for the big positive changes in the cryptocurrency market

This Merger & Acquisition deal between FoPay and AliExchange is going to bring benefits not only to the transaction parties but also to the cryptocurrency adopters. As a result, we will face an interface integration between the FoPay cryptocurrency wallet and the exchange meaning to provide a seamless user experience. FoPay will have a “home” exchange for its token, FOIN, while the FoPay users will be able to transfer FOIN to AliExchange for trading at virtually no cost and to trade cryptocurrency with a 50% discount on fees. Undoubtedly this is a massive step forward for FoPay’s business model that uses blockchain technology to connect users and merchants from around the world. Now its users and merchants will be able to dispose of, exchange or trade their cryptocurrencies at the lowest cost on AliExchange.

Moreover, this merger between FoPay & AliExchange is setting a new benchmark for the industry: it shows that Merger & Acquisition in this Blockchain era can be completed using 100% Cryptocurrency.


我們謹通知您,由於今天宣布的對AliExchange的併購,FoPay Wallet對FOIN取款設施的臨時暫停已延長至2019年12月31日。


對於在此期間給帳戶持有人帶來的任何不便,我們深表歉意。 感謝您的關注。

We would like to inform you that the temporary suspension of FOIN Withdrawal Facility by FoPay Wallet has been extended until 31st of December 2019 due to the Merger & Acquisition of AliExchange announced today.

FOIN withdrawal service will resume on 1st January 2020. There will be NO further extension after this final deadline.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused to our account holders during this timeframe. Thank you for your attention.






在提出疑問前我們先了解一下這家在台登記的公司基本資料,這些資料都是公開可供大眾查詢的。 首先 在政府的商工登記公示資料查詢服務裡搜尋"富南斯"會出現兩家公司 1.  富 南 斯 國際投資顧問有限公司   2.  富 南 斯 國際投資有限公司   但該公司在1111人力銀行刊登的徵才訊息是使用"富南斯國際投資有限公司",所以下面說到富南斯就是指"富南斯國際投資有限公司"。 至於另一個富南斯國際投資顧問有限公司跟富南斯國際投資有限公司有沒有關係這目前無法得知。 我先附上1111人力銀行的徵才訊息: 我們比對統編跟公司名稱後,在商工登記公示資料查詢服務找到該公司的資料,資料如下: 這邊代表人是朱禹豪,該公司在財政部登記的負責人是劉文瑞,資料如下: 基本資料就先提供到這,接下來我直接列舉出我認為非常非常奇怪的地方

Financial.org是中東的大型詐騙集團 ???

Financial.org是中東的大型詐騙集團!!! 官網聲稱公司在倫敦,可是經查證後指出該公司登記的項目根本跟金融無關,也跟教育無關,也許你也會好奇到底公司登記的是什麼呢?答案是:"房地產" 傻眼吧! 這個詐騙集團在台灣註冊名稱是"富南斯國際投資顧問有限公司" 一個號稱母公司Global Finanz在國外幫公司操盤30~40年,來台開公司卻不敢登記股份有限公司?一般外商來台登記一定是股份有限公司,並且在董監事資料裡可以看到跟母公司的關係。 在1111人力銀行的公司簡介居然隻字未提到母公司是誰? 而Financial.org聲稱Arnaud Georges先生(一個羅馬尼亞人)是公司的總裁,而在現實中,實際是Bogdan Raduka,他在VGMC中使用了Georges這個名字。 而Bogdan Raduka是迪拜和阿布扎比的一名通緝逃犯,他的保釋金為近80萬迪拉姆,換成台幣是653萬。 更離奇的是,當你去financial.org官網中想註冊時,網址會跳到https://www.financialloginmembers.org/register.aspx。 很明顯一個網域是financial.org,一個是financialloginmembers.org,而對一個網站最重要的會員註冊頁面的網域註冊時間居然是2016年2月!!跟官網的2001年差了15年阿!!這15年都不需要讓人註冊嗎?根本離譜嘛~ 現在網路資訊透明成這樣,這種詐騙集團偽裝的再像,稍為花點時間還是很容易就可以查出真相了!別以為台灣人這麼好騙~ 後續心得: 這家跟五年前我po文打擊迅聯網有一些相似處,公司會說以下的話術: 1. 說公司登記在101,101租金高、審核嚴,沒一定實力根本進不去 實際情況 只要是經濟部合法登記的公司並且付的起租金就讓你進!我剛打去101問,公司登記的38樓一坪每月租金是$3,600,目前至少要租50坪,也就是就算租100坪也就36萬,說真的也稱不上天價。 詢問101是否只要是經濟部合法登記的公司就可以?101的小姐說會看公司背景,我沒接著問要怎麼看公司背景,這也許可以交由記者朋友們問問看^^,不過

富南斯推虛擬貨幣FOIN? 看看大家怎麼說

在 mobile01-各位聽過富南斯嗎? 上的討論終於有點熱度了! 越來越多知道內幕的人願意提供更多訊息讓大家知道,這是好事。 這也是我成立這個部落格的初衷 - 「期望以一己之力拋磚引玉,避免更多人受到傷害。」 打從去年十二月,蒐集資料、成立部落格、發文、追蹤、發文到今天,越來越多的資料,不分國家、身分及立場,都一一顯示這家跨國公司的問題。 這半年也不少支持富南斯的人到我文章底下留言,可惜所說的往往都流於概念,沒有一位是有提出具體的證據來支持自己的言論。 這家公司過去到現在經歷了這些: 沒有受到註冊國家的金融監管機構授權和監管 運用直銷體系快速,找到推薦人幫公司找投資者 推自家虛擬貨幣,未來要使用該平台投資,只能透過這個他們的FION幣 FION幣套現方式: 公司上市後,在股市中交易 繼續投入該平台,每個月收利息 不知道這些步驟大家怎麼解讀呢? 不如先看看其他人怎麼說吧!請點下方的資料來源~ 資料來源: https://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=291&t=5278164&p=5